Hotel reviews for hotel Felben 100% recommendation on HolidayCheck!

Read the latest reviews of the Children’s Hotel Felben and find out what other guests are saying about our family hotel in Mittersill. As one of the leading children’s hotels in Austria, we are delighted with the many positive reviews and a recommendation rate of 100%! To give you insight into the independent reviews of our hotel, we have gathered all the information here.

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You can also share your opinion. Tell us about your stay at the Children’s Hotel Felben and leave an anonymous review. This helps future guests make their decision about where to spend their holiday.


What do guests who have already spent their holiday at the Children’s Hotel Felben have to say? How much variety is there in the surrounding area, what was the service like, and were the rooms clean and cozy? Guests independently share their opinions about the Children’s Hotel Felben on HolidayCheck, so you can see at a glance whether a holiday in Mittersill meets your expectations.


Guests who have already stayed at the Children’s Hotel Felben share their experiences regarding local attractions, service quality, room cleanliness and comfort, and the friendliness of the staff. On TripAdvisor, guests independently provide their opinions about their holiday, helping you make an informed decision about choosing this excellent family hotel in the Salzburger Land.

Awards HolidayCheck

Awards TripAdvisor
