Family package deals at the children’s hotel Felben Klaras riding lesson for mini 2024
The family package deals at the Children’s Hotel Felben include everything you need and more – simple, great value and easy to book. The advantages are clear: You can calculate your holiday exactly, with no worries about extra or hidden costs for ski or swimming courses for example. So start your holiday with in the reassuring knowledge that you know how much it is going to cost. Don’t forget: When you book a package deal you always save money!
We reserve the right to make price changes should mistakes be made in calculating rates or seasons.

What to expect
- Stay 7 nights with Felben Inclusive
- 2 units riding lesson for minis (3-5 years)
- Soft drinks, tea, coffee, breakfast buffet, lunch and afternoon buffet, 5-course evening meal with choice of main course, cakes, coffee, fruit basket and baby meals from Hipp.
- Wellness Alm SPA area with 3 saunas, steam bath and 3 relaxation areas, fitness room, 500 m² indoor pool with an outside lounging area, a pipe water slide and 2 children’s pools.
- Activities for adults.
- 69 hours programme of care and activities for children up to 6 years of age
- 75 hours programme of activities for children of 7 years and older
- 60 hours baby care
- 820 m² with different play rooms
- 8000 m² playground